Koko, the famous gorilla known for her mastery of American Sign Language, formed a special bond with actor Robin Williams during their meeting in 2001. Koko, who had been mourning the death of her childhood companion, Michael, warmed up to Williams quickly, even laughing and trying on his glasses. Williams, in turn, was moved by the encounter, remarking that their shared sense of humor created a unique connection.
Koko’s caregiver, Francine Patterson, noted that Williams’ visit helped lift Koko’s spirits, and he became one of her best friends. Koko, who had a vocabulary of about 1,000 signs and understood 2,000 words in English, was known for her empathy and playful nature. She even had a pet cat named All-ball, whom she treated like a child.
In 2014, after hearing of Robin Williams’ death, Koko reportedly signed the word “tear,” showing her grief. Koko passed away in her sleep in 2018 at age 46, leaving behind a legacy of remarkable emotional depth and intelligence.
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