In our daily lives, we sometimes do certain things unconsciously.
We can learn them from our parents, except that not everyone acts the same way. The question arises: What if our actions were linked to our personality? Take this test to get an idea of what your custom user might look like. It’s based on how you close your fist. Find the profile that suits you.
1. Hand fingerings hide the thumb
What others see: You are a creative and intelligent person. With your enthusiasm, you can share the joy of life and happiness. They appreciate harmony and tranquility.
What you really are: You are a kind, educated and wise person. You like to have company, but you also like solitude and silence. For fear of hurting others, you end up hiding your true thoughts. You have decided to only have a few friends.
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You are looking for a simple relationship that allows you to be free and relaxed. In this relationship, you tend not to make decisions to maintain your partner. They prefer to wait until things have calmed down. You are a person who forgives easily, which is very rare.
2. The thumb resting on the first phalanx
What others see: You are a person who strives for self-confidence. You have charisma and talent and easily gain the admiration and respect of others. You are also an honest and honest person.
Who you really are: Sometimes you are afraid to act because you don’t want to make a mistake or be disappointed. You enjoy the company of your loved ones. Plus, they are there for your tough times.
In love: You don’t like showing your true personality to your partner. You only do it if you feel safe. Others think that you are a cold and inaccessible person, even if it is only a shell that protects you from disappointment. You need to open your eyes so as not to miss a single opportunity that comes your way.