When Grandma stepped onto the stage, no one was ready for the wild ride she was about to take them on. With her man-doll in tow, she strutted across the stage, her outrageous act leaving the crowd in stitches. Laughter and disbelief echoed through the auditorium, but it was Simon who was truly losing it. His jaw dropped, eyes wide, barely able to keep up with the shock of it all.

If you ever participate in a talent show, what would you do? If you ask Mrs. Farida Farr, she’ll probably scold you. But her performance might put a smile on your face. The sassy grandma performs with her blow-up doll Eric that she named after her husband.

She does a little skit backstage with the host before going up on the stage. And when on stage, her sassiness increases when Simon Cowell asks her if she’s married. The moment the music starts to play, the entire audience starts clapping.

To the tune of Tammy Wynette’s “Stand By Your Man,” Farida dances with her blow-up doll Eric. And every once a while, she makes some hilarious comments cracking everyone up.

And those comments prove to be a bit racy, which takes the judges completely by surprise. But by the end, her performance completely sells the judges except for Simon. And when its time to vote, Simon unsurprisingly says no while the rest wants to see her again.

Watch the hilarious performance video below and please leave us a Facebook comment to let us know what you thought!

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