An Uber driver named Brian Justin Crum stepped nervously onto the stage, his hands shaking as he gave his mom a small, desperate wave for reassurance. With a deep breath, he launched into Queen’s classic “Somebody to Love”—and the atmosphere transformed. His voice, rich and electrifying, soared through the room like a force of nature. Every note was a revelation, silencing doubts and captivating hearts. The audience sat frozen in awe before erupting into cheers, while the judges leapt to their feet, stunned.

Talent shows help so many people pursue their dreams but it’s not always easy. Here’s a man that drives for a car service but wants to be a singer. And America’s Got Talent is helping him make that dream a reality.

There’s been quite a bit of focus in recent years on mental health and we’ve come to view it a little differently than we did a few years ago. But it is still surprising how many people who are very talented are also unsure about themselves. Anxiousness in front of a big crowd is normal but even nervous breakdowns can happen when it gets too bad.

Brian Justin Crum is a very talented singer but he’s also someone who has suffered from severe stage fright and nervousness. He nervously waved at his mom on stage because he was in fact petrified of being up there. But once he starts singing, he stole everyone’s heart with his performance. He starts slow and then builds to something amazing!

His incredible rendition of Queen’s “Somebody to Love” struck exactly the right chord with the judges and the fans. Simon Cowell and the rest of the judges fell in love with this man’s voice. Watch the video below and please leave us a Facebook comment to let us know what you thought!

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